Sales and Customer Support | 978-776-9586 | Mon-Fri 8:00 am - 4:30 pm | Sat 10:00 am - 2:00 pm EST

Introducing your Service Desk

A better platform ... for better support.

We’ve been working for years to bring you the best computer and network support in the industry

We don't just talk about providing great support

Many companies claim to provide great support, but we all know too well … there are precious few who get it right.

At Information Results, since 2005, we have made it our mission to prioritize customer satisfaction. Our team strives to empathize with our customers on a daily basis, putting ourselves in their shoes.  

  • Are we using terms and language the customer can relate to?
  • Are we avoiding “tech-talk”?
  • Are we responding fast enough?
  • Are we actually solving the customer’s problem?

Our approach is friendly, no-nonsense, very practical, and focused on what our customers need … when they need it.

It's Your Service Desk

The Customer Service Desk at Information Results Corporation

The Customer Service Desk

It’s easy to use, and it’s designed to meet you where you are.

How does it work?  Each staff member at your business gets their own Service Desk account.  Once logged in, your team has access to our support staff, from a single interface.

  • Create a new Service Request
  • Define details of your request
  • View past Service Requests
  • Exchange messages with us
  • Upload screen shots

The core “unit of work” is a Service Request. 

Connect with us instantly!

The Service Desk is designed with your team in mind.  As soon as you send us your Service Request, we see it and are able to take action. You set the initial priority of the Service Request, so we know right away if your need is urgent.  We’ll reach out regularly to keep you up to date on progress. To clarify and resolve your request, we follow up using other channels:
  • Phone
  • Online meetings
  • In-person visits
  • Looping in vendors as needed
We hope this summary gives you a sense of how we work with customers.  Contact us today to learn more, and to receive a free consultation.

Hours (ET)

M-F: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Sat: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Call Us



85 Swanson Rd
Boxborough, MA 01719

Information Results Corporation Main Office